Tag Archives: Smokey Bear

Rescue of bear cub named Boo Boo from Idaho wildfire invokes memories of Smokey

A four-month old black bear cub rescued from a raging wildfire in Idaho has achieved celebrity status, much as another famous bear cub did more than 60 years ago. Boo Boo’s recovery from second degree burns moved on to a new stage this week as the Idaho Humane Society takes over its care.

It is great to have a feel good story from the devastation of this year’s wildfires.  Read the rest of this story on Examiner.com and check out the pictures of Boo Boo – he looks pretty cute!  

A sedated Boo Boo is seen with bandaged paws before his transfer to the Idaho Humane Society. (Idaho Fish and Game)
A sedated Boo Boo is seen with bandaged paws before his transfer to the Idaho Humane Society. Click the image to read the story and see more photos of Boo Boo. (Idaho Fish and Game)