Tag Archives: Mount Evans

Front brings snow to Colorado’s high country, Mt Evans road closed

August 27, 2014 - Dawn reveals fresh snow on top of Mount Evans. (DU)
August 27, 2014 – Dawn reveals fresh snow on top of Mount Evans. (DU)

Snow at the Centennial State’s elevations can occur any time of year and last night Mother Nature delivered a white reminder that fall and winter are not far behind.

On Monday, the Colorado Department of Transportation closed the road to the top of Mount Evans due to the potential for snowfall.  That potential was realized overnight last night as the observatory webcam this morning  showed a couple of inches of snow on the ground.

This morning CDOT’s website reports the road is, “Closed from Summit Lake to top of Mount Evans due to adverse conditions. There is no estimated time of opening.”

The highest paved road in North America, the road to the summit of Mount Evans usually remains open until the first weekend of October when conditions prevent it from being maintained.  It doesn’t reopen until the Friday before Memorial Day.

Other areas of the high country saw light doses of snow last night.

At 8:20pm last night the National Weather Service reported that 13,495 foot high Berthoud Pass was reporting 34 degrees.  Moderate snow was falling and visibility had been reduced to 1/2 mile.

Snowfall above timberline will be possible tonight with potential accumulations of 1 to 2 inches in some locations.

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Tornado near Colorado’s Mount Evans rates as second highest on record

With its towering mountains and pristine mountain landscape, Colorado’s high country is not normally associated with tornadoes. Saturday however a rare high altitude twister appeared in the skies and touched down at the second highest altitude a tornado has ever been recorded at.  Read the rest of this story on Examiner.com including amazing video.