Tag Archives: Sunsets

Time lapse video captures stunning sunset on the Colorado Front Range

Saturday's sunset was stunning as seen in this photo from Thornton. (Steve Hill)
Saturday's sunset was stunning as seen in this photo from Thornton. (Steve Hill)

Colorado is home to some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises as more often than not, Mother Nature begins and ends the day with a light show of her own.  Yesterday a mountain wave cloud sat over the Front Range and when the day came to close, it was lit fiery red.

We posted a photo from one of our readers, Steve Hill, yesterday.  Today we came across a video posted to Facebook taken by Centennial resident Sean Crowley of the evening’s event that is simply too good not to share – check it out below.  The colors coupled with the rolling movement of the clouds are captivating.

Also, just a friendly reminder that we are raising money to upgrade our webcams to HD, something that would allow us to capture such stunning events and share them with the community.

To learn more about how you can help, please click here.