Roger Hill is considered quite famous among storm chasers as he has a proven, uncanny ability to place himself right where severe weather will strike. A recent headline on the Drudge Report featuring Hill has now shined the national media spotlight on him and his profession as co-owner of a storm chasing tour company.
Examiner.com / ThorntonWeather.com rode along with Hill as part of Storm Chase 2010 at the end of May and the beginning of June. The experience proved to be a once in a lifetime event as the tour experienced Mother Nature’s fury up close and personal culminating with a long-lived tornado near Campo, Colorado – the same tornado which Hill was pictured in front of on the Drudge Report.
Hill is no stranger to the media as his amazing videos and photos have been featured on the Weather Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic and all major news networks. For nearly a decade Hill and his company Silver Lining Tours have been showing thrill seekers what it is like to experience severe weather at closer range than what may be possible otherwise. Interest in “storm chasing tours” however has hit a fevered pitch in recent weeks.
On July 6th, the U.K.’s Daily Mail ran a story about Hill and his wife Caryn and their storm chasing passion. This was then picked up by the Drudge Report (above right) and led to interviews with CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News.
Crews from Inside Edition and Nightline then followed by riding along with Hill and Silver Lining Tours as they crisscrossed the Great Plains on the hunt for tornadoes.
The Nightline piece aired this past Friday and gave a good idea of what it is like to be on tour with Hill (watch the video below). From the frenzied pace to the seemingly endless ingestion of fast food and of course the thrill of the tornado chase, reporter Eric Hong experienced it all.