Last Updated 7/27/2024 at 05:00 AM

Current Conditions
Conditions: mostly cloudy
Temp: 61.3
Humidity: 87 %
  - Trend: +3 %
Wind: 0.0 ESE
  - Description: Calm
Gusts: 0.0
Pressure: 29.755 inches
  - Trend: Steady
HeatIdx: 61.6
WindCh: 61.3
Dewpt: 57.4
WetBulb: 59.1
Rain in last hour: 0.00 in.
Rain in last 3 hrs: 0.00
Rain today: 0.00
Snow today: 0.00
In Temp: 71.9 F
In Hum: 46 %
Today's Highs / Lows
Max temp: 67.3
at 12:09 AM
Min temp: 61.3
at 4:59 AM
Hi Baro: 29.802
at 12:26 AM
Lo Baro: 29.738
at 3:59 AM
Max Dew: 59.4
at 12:46 AM
Min Dew: 56.9
at 3:28 AM
Max gust: 6.0 mph
Forecast - From the National Weather Serivce  

TODAY - Today Mostly sunny in the morning, then mostly cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. highs in the lower 90s. chance of precipitation 40 percent.

TONIGHT - Tonight Partly cloudy. slight chance of thunderstorms in the evening. lows in the lower to mid 60s. chance of precipitation 20 percent.

SUNDAY - Sunday Mostly sunny. highs in the mid 90s. west winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 20 mph in the afternoon.

SUNDAY NIGHT - Sunday night Mostly clear. lows near 60.

MONDAY - Monday Mostly sunny. highs in the mid to upper 90s.

MONDAY NIGHT THROUGH THURSDAY - Monday night through thursday Mostly clear. lows in the lower to mid 60s. highs 94 to 99.

THURSDAY NIGHT - Thursday night Partly cloudy. lows in the lower to mid 60s.

NWS Forecast: 254 AM MDT SAT JUL 27

Current Advisories - From the National Weather Serivce  
COZ040 There are no active watches, warnings or advisories